Leigh Knight currently lives and practices doing Divine
Connections and Light Body Activation, in Sedona Arizona. He
provides Private counseling to help
people regain balance, offers valuable services with Addiction and
Prevention, and helps people with their search for their authentic
self. Raiden is a
Licensed, Certified Substance Abuse Counselor as recognized by the
State of Hawaii and The International Certification &
Reciprocity Consortium (ICADC).
After many years of successful network marketing in the fields of
health and nutrition, eventually became the lead representative and
co-owner of his own network marketing company. Mr. Knight moved to
Hawaii in 1990 and resided there until 2002. After graduating Phi Beta
Kappa from the University of Hawaii, he enjoyed a successful counseling
career in
Hawaii from 1992 to 2001, a labor of love that he continues to this
day. He
also worked for 10 years as manager of Pacific Ocean Property in Santa
Monica, California, which helped secure peaceful retreats in Hawaii,
California, and Arizona for continued healing.
Raiden uses a combination of his counseling skills and his knowledge of
Health and Nutrition as a consultant for Angel Farms in Hawaii, a
position he has held since 1993. While there, he was also involved in
assisting the clientele with a variety of detoxification and body
rebuilding programs. He combined this with additional counseling
services. He has remained a marketing representative for Angel
( www.angelfarms.com
) to present.
Expanding his experience and skills, he moved on to Heart Awakening, (
www.heartawakening.com )
training as a student/teacher with Raoult Bertrand, from 1996-2000.
Also during this time, Raiden studied, received, and still
incorporates, The Yuen Method
( www.yuenmethod.com
) in his own
practice. As
a result of his training and experience in his position with
Awakening, Raiden was
introduced to Dr. Eric Pearl and Reconnective Frequencies (
www.thereconnection.com ), in his search for similarities, the
adjusting of personal relationships, and the yearning to share. Although committed to the
process of utilizing these new frequencies to allow for the healing
of the body, mind and spirit. In 2001, after completing his training at
The Reconnection and serving as a teacher's assistant, he became
a Certified Practitioner and began traveling the globe. During
these travels, Mr. Knight became acquainted with many people from a
variety of diversified backgrounds, many of whom are dedicated to the
continued, restorative renewal of our planet.
In 2001, in Raiden's search for truth in wholeness, and the source of
this Axiatonal process, he was introduced
to the Divine Matrix Connection and Lightbodies Activation, which is
the origination of Axiatonal lines, by
Marsha Craven in 1982. Marsha is a pioneer in the world of connecting
mind-body-spirit through innovative and effective healing modalities.
She is the original channeled source of Axitonal Lines and Spin Points
(that are referred to in "The Keys of Enoch" by J.J. Hurtak - ( www.FutureScience.org
). Mr.
Knight inevitably had questions about the
origination of this Divine Matrix Connection, and found the answers by
due diligence. After receiving the Divine Matrix Connection and
Lightbody Activation of 9 Lightbodies in 2001 by Raia, a lifelong
disease, Hypoglycemia, was no longer
present in Mr. Knight's body. In 2011, Marsha Craven activated Raiden's
10th, 11th, and 12th Lightbodies which she was given permission to

It was during this time that Raiden and Arthur MacKinstry co-created
Pollution Zero/EC transformative water (
). He began to market and became a corporate member. He followed this
through from original concept with the inventor, to the research and
development phase and finally to distribution of the water. When five
gallons of it are put into a well contaminated with bacteria such as
nitrates and sulfates, etc. It removes all contaminate organisms and
returns it to a purified state. The water also has been proven to
support healing in the human body. He remains connected to this
corporation as a primary share holder.
In 2007, Raiden was ALWI, Inc.'s Marketing and Sales Representative,
Funding Liaison, and Shareholder. He is a true mover and shaker. Once
the idea has been manifested and our administrator has put it into the
proper format; Raiden takes the reigns. It was in his capacity as
marketing representative with Pollution Zero, that he was introduced to
ALWI, Inc. He now works closely with our President, Kathleen Ball-Wolfe
in achieving investment alliances that will support our research and
develop, our technology and services and technical application with the
highest ethical intention towards ALWI, Inc's ultimate goal.
Raiden is a multi-tasked and multi-talented individual with vast store
houses of energy. He is currently president of Transformative Services
and is also involved in spiritual counseling and guidance for
individuals. He only aligns himself with businesses or personal
endeavors that are for the highest good for all of mankind and our
Want to share your Divine Matrix Connection experience or schedule a
Divine Matrix Connection session?
Email Raiden or call 575-779-0505 email Raiden