Divine Matrix Connection Testimonials

Dear Raiden~~
I have just returned from our Re-Connection session and wanted to share with you pieces of my experience…
As I reclined with eyes gently closed, I immediately saw and felt many Beings gathering. They were excited and glowing with so much Love and Light. I felt trusting and grateful to see them. They moved and chattered and then, in unison, quieted.
When their chattering subsided, I heard the sound of the wall clock ticking loudly. I have been in this room many times and had never heard the wall clock before. It seemed to be leading a rhythm of sorts but felt distracting rather than comforting. My body gently floated a few inches above the table. The clock got louder....annoyingly so. A beautiful Being stepped forward and gently stroked the side of my head and reminded me to just 'be and allow'.
I floated back down to the table but could not really feel it in a physical way. I had traveled somewhere 'not here'. There were no sounds, no sights, no visions. Only a soft lavender/white color that danced all around and through me. I felt a gentle pain in my left side....then a pulse....then a pop. Pain in my left ear.....then a pulse...then a pop. Pain in my right foot....then a pulse....then a pop. No more pains. Just pulses and pops in my bones and organs and cells. Then I felt a cool breeze move slowly and sweetly from the top of my head through every part of my body.
I continued to float in the lavender/white color field. Soon I heard the sounds of many varieties of birds. Then I saw them flying as they surrounded me with their individual flights and songs. An eagle called out to me and invited me to climb on her back. She and I were flying and soaring.....and flying and soaring.
The other smaller birds started to fall behind and as we passed them in the sky, each bird had a word under their wing which they dropped, one at a time, so that I could read them as they fluttered down. Words such as: Ego, mind, judgment, separation, dying, chaos, beliefs, confusion, outside, etc. There were some words that were dropping down so quickly, I couldn’t actually read them but knew, somehow, I was 'getting the message' and releasing them anyhow.
The eagle and I were flying and soaring.......flying and soaring. I felt such joy. The eagle whispered "Anne, all you are now is freedom!" She was me and I was her and we flew and soared in perfect freedom.
Then you tapped me and I came back to the room and space we occupied. What a joyous and healing journey! Anonymous

I now feel solidly grounded, empowered and joyful in that re-connected beauty, with a renewed confidence in some areas that were beginning to create confusion for me in the last few weeks. I feel more like ME again. Beautiful, light-filled, whole, loving, free ME!
I drove home lighter, filled with huge love and gratitude for you (and the Beings) in my life, smiling at everyone I passed, almost expanding out of the confines of my car. I, of course, would much rather be flying and soaring my way home :-). Which, of course, I was
Much love, Anne

Thank you so very much for the healings. Your work is superb and I perceive you as a clear channel.
I was astounded after my first healing to be able to hike again and feel connected to the Mother Earth once again. My balance was off due to having a stroke that left me with inner ear condition. I fell several times due this imbalance.
I also had an awesome experience after the Reconnection…I went hone to find the ravens had returned to my life…so much so that they were on my roof top pecking to get in. WOW!!! And they are everywhere I look once again. They are my best friends. They tell me many things. I thought I had lost them. I am so happy to have them back in my life once again.
In extreme gratitude for your loving service,

I felt waves of energy going across me and then the energy would move through different parts of my body in a angle or certain spot. I could hear my inner voice talking to me and guiding my to let go or explain certain things that have happened and then to let go. I felt a line or cord coming from the earth into the mid line of my body pulling me to the earth. The energy and everything was shifting and changing throughout the healing. I could see at the beginning a flower opening and throughout the healing a saw roses. towards the end I had bright yellow bathing and wrapping around me. I had these big white feather wings that felt good as long as I let go and follow my inner voice. i had gold cloth that wrapped around my feet and lower legs.

Raiden creates a safe space for personal and spiritual growth. As I laid on his table, I hear his words " Your job is just to lay here." hmmm.... just lay here? I think, no prayers, no meditation? What happened after that was priceless. Visions swirled through me. I am an animal empath so it was no surprise to see wolf and mountain lions. I felt like I was flying as a lightness of BEING filled me. I saw an eye and as it moved closer into my vision I noticed that the iris and pupil was a swirling universe. I began to understand my purpose, my job on the planet and I REALLY understood. There was so much more personal visions and conversations with beings I felt like a computer that was being downloaded. I walked away from my re-connection feeling free and full of love and understanding. I communicate better with my family and clients. I would highly recommend the healing and re-connection to anyone yearning for more.
Jeannie Fernandez

Raiden Leigh Knight... My Dear Sweet Wonderful Friend…..I GOT IT!!!! I am in a place of such love and thankfulness and gratitude toward YOU!!! Raiden you truly are a channel, in loving, non-judgmental service to connect and awaken Us..Me..You..to the Divine Matrix!!!!
There are many details of my own journey and experience while being on your healing table that I am not compelled to write about here, what seems more important to me is the magnificent awakening that is happening now, and in every moment since my encounters with you. The healing of my dis-ease is directly connected to you because you are directly connected to the Divine and so lovingly and gently and patiently also connected me to the Divine. Thank you for allowing this transformative service you provide to be your life’s work. (and thank you for the water!!!!)
Forever Grateful…Blessings and LOVE…Gretchen

I wanted you to know that I have had comments from some of my friends that I seem different since my healing sessions with you. More centered and grounded. On the first day I could feel the healing in my upper left chest. I had been having some discomfort there but never told you about it. The level of healing that I felt seemed to be at a cellular level. I haven't had any pain in that area since the first session. The Divine Matrix Connection sessions were totally awesome. I could really feel the part of the universe that I was a part of and how many spiritual helpers that I have. Thank you so much and may you be blessed for ever. Pamela B

My Divine Matrix Connection was incredible! The space Raiden created was very safe and comfortable, which allowed me to really "let go" and experience a part of my being I didn't know existed. Raidens non-judgmental compassion led me to look inside for answers and find what is true for myself. It's as if I'm seeing the world through brand new eyes and feeling every moment with a brand new heart. What a blessing it's been to be "re-connected!
J.P. -Life Coach-

I felt waves of energy going across me and then the energy would move threw different parts of my body in a angle or certain spot. I could hear my inner voice talking to me and guiding my to let go or explaining certain things that have happened and then to let go. I felt a line or cord coming from the earth into the mid line of my body pulling me to the earth. the energy and everything was shifting and changing throughout the healing. I could see at the beginning a flower opening and threw out the healing a saw roses, towards the end i had bright yellow bathing and wrapping around me. I had these big white feather wings that felt good as long as I let go and follow my inner voice. I had gold cloth that wrapped around my feet and lower legs.
- A.

Raiden creates a safe space for personal and spiritual growth. As I laid on his table I hear his words " Your job is just to lay here." hmmm.... just lay here ? I think ,no prayers ,no meditation? What happened after that was priceless. Visions swirled through me. I am an animal empath so it was no surprise to see wolf and mountain lions. I felt like I was flying as a lightness of BEING filled me. I saw an eye and as it moved closer into my vision I noticed that the iris and pupil was a swirling universe. I began to understand my purpose, my job on the planet and I REALLY understood. There was so much more personal visions and conversations with beings I felt like a computer that was being downloaded. I walked away from my re-connection feeling free and full of love and understanding. I communicate better with my family and clients. I would highly recommend the healing and re-connection to anyone yearning for more.
J. F.

Thank you so very much for the healings. Your work is superb and I perceive you as a clear channel. I was astounded after my first healing to be able to hike again and feel connected to the Mother Earth once again. My balance was off due to having a stroke that left me with inner ear condition. I fell several times due this imbalance. I also had an awesome experience after the Divine Matrix Connection. I went hone to find the ravens had returned to my life....so much so that they were on my roof top pecking to get in. WOW!!! And they are everywhere I look once again. They are my best friends. They tell me many things. I thought I had lost them. I am so happy to have them back in my life once again.
In extreme gratitude for your loving service, N.

I have just returned from our Divine Matrix Connection session and wanted to share with you pieces of my experience....... As I reclined with eyes gently closed, I immediately saw and felt many Beings gathering. They were excited and glowing with so much Love and Light. I felt trusting and grateful to see them. They moved and chattered and then, in unison, quieted. A beautiful Being stepped forward and gently stroked the side of my head and reminded me to just 'be and allow'. I floated back down to the table, but could not really feel it in a physical way. I had traveled somewhere 'not here'. There were no sounds, no sights, no visions. Only a soft lavender/white color that danced all around and through me. I felt a gentle pain in my left side....then a pulse....then a pop. Pain in my left ear.....then a pulse...then a pop. Pain in my right foot....then a pulse....then a pop. No more pains. Just pulses and pops in my bones and organs and cells. Then I felt a cool breeze move slowly and sweetly from the top of my head through every part of my body. I continued to float in the lavender/white color field. Soon I heard the sounds of many many varieties of birds. Then I saw them flying as they surrounded me with their individual flights and songs. An eagle called out to me and invited me to climb on her back. She and I were flying and soaring.....and flying and soaring. The other smaller birds started to fall behind and as we passed them in the sky, each bird had a word under their wing which they dropped, one at a time, so that I could read them as they fluttered down. Words such as: Ego, mind, judgment, separation, dying, chaos, beliefs, confusion, outside, etc. There were some words that were dropping down so quickly, I couldn't actually read them but knew, somehow, I was 'getting the message' and releasing them anyhow. The eagle and I were flying and soaring.......flying and soaring. I felt such joy. The eagle whispered "Anne, all you are now is freedom!" She was me and I was her and we flew and soared in perfect freedom. Then you tapped me and I came back to the room and space we occupied. What a joyous and healing journey! I now feel solidly grounded, empowered and joyful in that re-connected beauty, with a renewed confidence in some areas that were beginning to create confusion for me in the last few weeks. I feel more like ME again. Beautiful, light-filled, whole, loving, free ME! I drove home lighter, filled with huge love and gratitude for you (and the Beings) in my life, smiling at everyone I passed, almost expanding out of the confines of my car. I, of course, would much rather be flying and soaring my way home :-).
Which, of course, I was! Much love, A.

Diary of a recent Divine Matrix Connection Session
Session One began slowly; I did not see or feel anything. Suddenly crop circle patterns flashed before my eyes and I began to see alien faces floating in the air. These beings then appeared in the room and opened a zipper in the middle of the air. They invited me to walk through this portal. I entered the worm hole and was transported to a room almost like an interrogation room from police dramas with one way glass. I was looking back at myself laying on the table. They explained to me that this room was a window into 3D reality. They were able to watch without being seen. They said that they are watching all the time. They told me that I could use this technology now and that I could travel anywhere I wanted to go. I asked them how they were able to move an entire room when they wanted to go to a new place. Before I finished the question, the room collapsed on me and formed a spacesuit around my entire body. They asked where I wanted to go. I said to show me. Then I traveled through another wormhole/zipper. Now I was in a room watching my own birth. I noticed that I was born wearing one of these spacesuits. It was interesting that these wormholes resembled the shape of the birth canal. I watched my birth completely undetected. I saw myself as a baby who was upset at first but quickly placated by loving people. Somewhere around this time, I saw a bright orange flash in my left eye. It was visceral and vibrant as anything I've seen with my eyes open. Upon seeing this flash, an immediate chill sensation rippled through my body. It felt good. I also saw I was uploading data onto my ipod. I was looking at the screen but could not make out what data was being transferred to it. I really thought that I was as my computer uploading data. Then I realized that I was still on Raiden's table and snapped back to 3D world. During this session I also saw scenes from the movie Jumper playing on a movie screen.
Session 2 started out slowly again. All I saw and felt was black. They showed up again. This time they brought tools. One tool looked like bone with a hook at the end. The other tools resembled shovels. They started to dig and dig and dig in my groin region. An area where I had been experiencing incredible pain for the last few years. They dug up rocks and dirt and finally exposed a "crystal/diamond". They then removed this huge crystal and presented it to me. I told them that I did not want it. They said not to worry about it anymore. Then I looked up from the table without opening my real eyes and saw a group of beings standing on circular balcony directly above me. They were 'smiling down' on me. This balcony was in the different dimension from the first session. It had the same color/feeling as when I was in the room looking back on myself. When I arrived back in 3D, I felt like i had to puke, but I did not. I told Raiden about the crystal being removed and he said "yup that was an implant, I was going to tell you yesterday but did not think it was a good time". I started to cry as I made the connection between what happened and where this pain had been coming from for the last 4 years. I felt like Neo in the Matrix when he has his bug/implant removed and says "you mean that thing's real."
The third session was a much calmer and mellow than the ones before. Again, they showed up again. This time they filled the void left by the removal of the crystal with "milk and honey". Next, I was on a roller coaster that was on a spiral track. This track was similar to a DNA spiral. I got out of the roller coaster and then jumped into a sports car where I could now drive on the spiral road instead of just going along for the ride. I kept driving this car on different spirals/roads. I was driving in spirals, but I was always going upwards. Afterwards I still have some doubt as to the validity of my experience. I do know that there is still some pain where the implant was, however the pain level has diminished considerably. I also notice a funny round 'scar' where the pain/implant was. I am feeling better and thinking clearer than I have in a long time. A couple days after the session. I was driving on an icy dirt road and hit a rabbit and killed it. I could not help but just start crying. I have not cried in a really long time. I did not want to hurt the rabbit but it was almost like there was nothing I could do about it. I'm still not sure what to make of this. Hi, Raiden, signed up for Stem Tech. I got my pendulum out and it said yes to Stem Tech. I wanted you to know that I have had comments from some of my friends that I seem different since my healing sessions with you. More centered and grounded. On the first day I could feel the healing in my upper left chest. I had been having some discomfort there but never told you about it. The level of healing that I felt seemed to be at a cellular level. I haven't had any pain in that area since the first session. The reconnection sessions were totally awesome. I could really feel the part of the universe that I was a part of and how many spiritual helpers that I have.
Thank you so much and may you be blessed for ever. Pamela B

Want to share your Divine Matrix Connection experience or schedule a Divine Matrix Connection session?
Email Raiden or call 575-779-0505  email Raiden

Offering Services Worldwide  ~ Raiden Leigh Knight ~ 575-779-0505
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